Dark Blue Sandalos Bakelite Tasbih |سندلس بكلايت ازرق غامق⁩⁩⁩⁩

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Experience the exquisite beauty and craftsmanship of our Dark Blue Sandalos Bakelite Tasbih, handcrafted using traditional methods for a one-of-a-kind product. Feel the passion and dedication put into each bead, creating a stunning and alluring piece that will add value to your Tasbih collection. Immerse yourself in the deep blue color, evoking a sense of elegance and charm. Don't miss out on this unique and timeless piece that will surely captivate your senses.

سبحة عنبر (كهرب) انتيك الماني قديم معرق ولون كهرمان مميز - حجم مناسب لليد وصياغة ممتازة

  • Color: Clear Green, سندلوس مسكي أخضر
  • Material: Bakelite, Sandalos, Faturan, بكلايت، فاتوران
  • Weight: Inquire
  • Size: Inquire
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