Wa In Yakadul Lazina Necklace | Sterling Silver Pendant

Al Ali Gems
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Sterling Silver Pendant Embedded in Ayat Wa In Yakād Verse (Arabic: آیة وإن یکاد) refers to verses 51 and 52 of Qur'an 68 (Sura al-Qalam)

  • Important Information: This contain a Holy Scripture please consider keeping it in a clean environment.
    • Metal Type: 925K Sterling Silver Guaranteed
    • Content: (وَإِن یکادُ الَّذِینَ کفَرُ‌وا لَیزْلِقُونَک بِأَبْصَارِ‌هِمْ لَمَّا سَمِعُوا الذِّکرَ‌ وَیقُولُونَ إِنَّهُ لَمَجْنُونٌ ﴿۵۱﴾ وَمَا هُوَ إِلَّا ذِکرٌ‌ لِّلْعَالَمِینَ (٥٢
  • "Indeed the faithless almost devour you with their eyes when they hear this Reminder, and they say, He is indeed crazy.(51) Yet it is just a reminder for all the nations.(52)"

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